Google Ads For E-commerce Course (Tips That Convert)

Google Ads for E-commerce Course

You may be an e-commerce marketer with loads of experience. Also, you want to make a career out of teaching newcomers how to wade these choppy waters. Going forward, you create a course, sure that it can make a huge difference.

However, the course is not going to sell itself out! You need to promote it on Google.

Therefore, you try to do SEO. But, there’s the big problem of competition! As it is, Google already shows quite a few popular e-commerce courses on the first page.

Here’s the solution! Resort to Google Ads to get your course up there on the first page, and fast.

Why Google Ads for e-commerce courses?

Isn’t it obvious? Google Ads is an extremely potent advertising platform. It keeps delivering results, and backs you up with a vast warehouse of data to capitalize.

Unlike the ambiguity of SEO, Google Ads is rich with resources and tools. Whether you want to generate brand awareness, or get people to buy, Google Ads works.

You can add extensions, manage your budget to the tees, and pause campaigns at will. Also, marketers can fine-tune their ads for select demographics via campaign parameters.

For example, you may want to sell your course to people who are fresh out of college, interested in e-commerce management. Again, you may want to target people in the UK who want to know how to promote their e-com websites in the food niche.

Google Ads allows you to specify these campaign parameters.

Here are the various formats for Google Ads.

  • Textual Search Ads
  • Shopping Ads with product images
  • Video Ads on YouTube
  • Partner sites on the Google Display Network
  • App Ads

A search ad is your best bet. It mimics the appearance of organic results, and is visible right on top of SERPs. However, Shopping Ads are irrelevant for selling a course.

But, you can also go ahead with video ads and use the GDN.

Are you selling the course as an app? Then, use the app ads.

Manage Google Ads campaigns like a pro

Are you new to Google Ads? There’s a lot to wrap your head around to start a campaign. In fact, Google Ads understands that it can be intimidating at first.

Hence, it offers the default option of smart campaigns for new users. This setup flow is easy and intuitive. Basically, anyone can get started with a smart Google Ads campaign in 15 minutes.

So, should you go for it? Probably not!

You are better off in the expert mode.

This is because, with a Smart Campaign, you forfeit most of your control.

  • You cannot manage your keyword strategy
  • You cannot manage your spending (Google will decide your bid amount and frequency)
  • Also, advertisers have no control over where their ads will be visible

Therefore, do not worry if you are not an expert yet.

You can still use the expert mode from the beginning.

Get familiar with Google Ads for e-commerce courses

Google Ads can be pricey for newcomers. It is extremely competitive, dominated already by established merchants who are quite good at it. Pitching a higher bid may improve your chance of visibility, but not always.

If Google Ads deems that a lower bid can generate a better Click Through Rate (CTR), it can get prioritized. Similarly, your competitors with a more relevant landing page stand a better chance. You need to be proficient at things such as ad grouping, and keyword matching.

Cut the chase and talk to an expert on how to run Google Ads for e-commerce courses.

How to create a great search ad for your e-commerce course?

Search ads are going to be your key tools for generating conversions. Most people actually refer to these when they talk about Google Ads.

Here are the key criteria to consider.

  • Creating a good ad copy
  • Using keywords (and not using negative keywords)
  • Adding ad extensions such as site links, phone numbers, and user ratings
  • Choosing the right bidding strategy (CPC, CPM, or CPA)
  • A/B testing
  • Using Dynamic Search Ads
  • Using Ad scripts

Re-targeting those with an active interest in e-commerce courses

Don’t you just hate abandoned carts? It’s like the nemesis of conversions!

Consider this situation. Your e-commerce course ad is up and running. Slowly but steadily, clicks are pouring in. A good many people are also adding your e-commerce course to the cart.

However, a certain percentage of users are still unsure. It is evident that they are still comparing quotes, checking out pros and cons. Some of them are accessing your ad through mobile devices, while others use a desktop.

They go through your course curriculum, are somewhat convinced, and hit the ‘add to cart’ button. But, this action is followed by a dilemma, and they refrain from placing the final order.

How frustrating is that?

Here’s a ray of hope.

Google Ads has a robust remarketing set up, backed by data from its mega search engine. It uses a hidden architecture of cookies to re-target users who already displayed purchase intent.

Digital cookies come in two flavors, first-party, and third-party. However, Google recently stated its plans to phase out third-party cookies eventually.

Nevertheless, Google asserts that first-party cookies are ‘vital.’ An expert can tell you the ins and outs of using cookies effectively for Google Ads remarketing campaigns.

Selling e-commerce courses via GDN

Search ads capitalize on active intent. It’s obvious that they are relatively easier to convert. However, in so far as your marketing budget enables, consider leveraging passive intent as well.

So, say hello to the good old GDN! It is a network of millions of partner sites, along with YouTube and Gmail.

Depending on an analysis of the search intent, display advertising targets users to generate brand awareness. It may not have a significant conversion rate upfront, but is an amazing tool to get the word out.

Google Ads in the video formats for e-commerce courses

Video ads are somewhat in the gray zone between active and passive intent. Folks don’t use YouTube actively to buy stuff. They are there to see videos, whether it’s just for recreation, or to research a topic. However, online ad videos do carry a lot of legacy value. This is because they remind people of the familiar TV ads experience.

Try the following:

  • Develop a great video ad with an engaging storyline
  • Use relevant keywords specific to YouTube trends
  • Have an inspiring CTA asking people to ‘subscribe’ on YouTube


E-commerce is a growing field, and can present great career options. A lot of new marketers are ready to wet their feet in it. These people represent your target audience. They will seriously appreciate a practical course that works.

You can add your course to a marketplace website, but it can be somewhat confusing. Google Ads has separate (and complex) rules for marketplaces. In fact, it may not even be possible to promote your marketplace!

The best idea is to have a nice website/landing page, and promote it on Google Ads.

For any help with promoting your course with Google ads, you can contact me any time and I would be happy to help you đŸ™‚

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