11 Best Free Google Ads Tools (Power to Empower)

Best Free Google Ads Tools

If there’s a marketer’s heaven, it has to be Google Ads! Thanks to its powerhouse free search engine, Google Ads is a revenue behemoth. Its per-quarter turnover is worth billions.

Even last year, Google Ads hooked in a massive $147 billion between the pandemic! It is the buzz, the talk of the town! Be it new people or old-timers, every advertiser on the block must make a beeline for it.

However, being a biggie, Google Ads can be intimidating to newcomers. Google knows it, and therefore promotes a default smart mode. However, any experienced marketer will tell you that it is better to try out the ‘expert’ mode.

Being in the ‘smart mode’ may not be a smart choice after all! You would find it easy to use, but the trade-off can be costly. Smart campaigns are opaque and allow little to no control over vitals such as ad spending, and keyword usage. Going forward, let these powerful free tools empower your manual campaign.

Answer the Public

Do you want Google to be answerable to you? Try ‘Answer the Public.’ It has a nice free version. The tool delivers keyword advice in question format.

Be it anything, the tool unfailingly answers. You select the niche, and it will show all possible questions connected to it. Therefore, the end result is literally a mandala of questions! Yes, the results come up looking like a circular mandala of sorts. It is a godsend for marketers, truly amazing.


Adzooma is an attractive tool. The highlight here is the ability to deliver personalized checklists. It lets you start from level zero to expand your campaign from the ground up.

In addition, they have some cool resources to offer. Refer to the video tutorials. Try out the actionable marketing playbook. Also, they assign a specific business score to evaluate your campaigns.

The basic package is free. They call it the Adzooma Essentials. Key features of this package include automated rules and performance reports. They have two plans. The paid one goes as Adzooma Plus. Start with a free plan now, and upgrade if you feel like it.


At first glance, Soovle looks like the developers were too lazy to complete it. This is because it consists of merely a search bar.

Moreover, the interface is lackluster, and shows the ad platforms scattered randomly. Don’t let the appearance fool you, though. It is an absolute keyword beast! You can access a broad range of keywords, all free!

Get busy planning the perfect keyword strategy with Soovle in tow.

Split tester

The Perry Marshall Split Tester is a must-have weapon in your arsenal of free tools. A/B testing is vital to run impactful ad campaigns. This tool does the job squarely. It has a very simple interface, split into two sections.

You enter the variables such as the number of clicks and CTR in respective fields. Then, just hit ‘Calculate,’ and the tool works for you.

Therefore, you don’t have to rack your brains to find the perfect campaign anymore! This is because Split Tester will take the data slice and do your job.

A/B test significance calculator

At first glance, this free tool can be very thick. It dabbles in theories such as Bayesian statistics, with all the bells and whistles.

However, don’t let the theories such as p-value and posterior probability baffle you. This is because, for all practical use, this is an extremely simple tool.

It is a nice A/B testing tool that you can use on part or whole of your website. The SmartStats engine is fast, but they admit that it may not be entirely accurate.

Also, they calculate the maximum potential loss you are about to undertake. Therefore, this allows you to make quick, informed decisions on your campaigns.

Mike’s quick and easy PPC reporting template

Mike’s tool is the new kid on the block. It’s a thoughtful template for delivering Google Ads reports in as less as 15 minutes. It’s very basic, but you won’t regret it. The tool takes you to the Formula page, where you need to put up 6 vital metrics.

  • CTR
  • CPC
  • CPA
  • CVR
  • ROI
  • Weighted Avg Pos

Going forward, you need to fill up a few more steps. However, it takes some time to be familiar at first. But, you will get the hang of it. This is serious, but quite simple.

Uber suggest

It is a Neil Patel creation. The familiar smiling face of this thin, bald man has sort of become the voice of conscience for digital marketers. Neil has quite a digital marketing empire, and is a very buzzing brand.

Uber Suggest does everything from offering content ideas and backlinks. In addition, you gain access to top SEO pages, and domain overview.

His dogged determination to crack the sacred Google algorithm code seemed to have paid off well. To be honest, it’s not entirely free. But, the 7-day free trial is worth trying out to see if the tool is really as good as it claims.

Besides, Neil also has the data to prove that his tool is at least 70% cheaper than major competitors.


It is the perfect tool to make sense of keyword-hungry Google Ads. The user interface is extremely minimal. You can see three boxes where to put the top three keywords.

Then, go to settings to set your requirements. Next, hit the green ‘Kombinate’ button. The free tool will come up with all possible keyword combinations.

Google Ads performance grader

This sleek Wordstream tool believes in fast action rather than words. Run your campaign here and get a grade. Also, hook up the campaign on Google Ads to see its real-time antics.

However, if the campaign does not live up to the promised grade, make some changes and try again. Again, you get a grade. Next, compare the grades, and the real-time performance. The report offered covers up to 9 key metrics.

  • Wasted spend
  • Quality score
  • Best practices
  • Impression share
  • Click-through rate
  • Account activity
  • Shopping Ads
  • Mobile advertising
  • Display ads

Merge Words

You already know about Kombinator. Brace for a surprise when visiting Merge Words! This is because Merge Words is practically the same wine in a similar bottle.

Even the green button is the same, just that here it says ‘Merge.’ Therefore, it’s like a 50-50 chance that either you find Kombinator useful or Merge Words.

However, it’s unclear as to who took inspiration from whom. Maybe, both came to be by a single developer. Anyways, you need to pick one.

Bulk Keyword Generator

This lightning-fast tool is one of the best keyword generators out there. It is immensely versatile, and you can specify your keyword choice in a few easy steps.

First, you select the business type. Second, you specify the sub-niche. Finally, you set the location. That’s it! It will immediately show the relevant keywords.


There you are, beaming with joy at this great list of free Google Ads tools! Now, it is only a matter of time that you put these to good use.

Wishing you all the success with the campaigns!

As always, you can contact me any time for any help with Google ads management and I am always ready to grow your business through the latest PPC strategies.

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